Senin, 01 Mei 2017

Chemical reactions in daily life

Chemical reactions in daily life

A. Fragrance

1. Understanding fragrance
Fragrance is a chemical that is usually present in perfumes, air freshener, floor deodorizers, fragrances, and fragrances. Most deodorizers use chemicals. While the use of any product that is a chemical substance, if excessive or direct contact via the respiratory system, will cause interference with the function of the nervous system. This was stated by Dr. Budiawan from Puska RKL (Center for Environmental Risk and Safety Studies). Organic fragrances can be easily absorbed through the skin and cause skin effects such as irritation and dermatitis. Although the components of the active chemicals contained per each fragrance varies.

2. Types of deodorizer
There are 2 types of perfumes, namely water-based and oil-based. Water-based deodorizer generally has a relatively short statue (fragrant) stability (about 3-5 hours). That is why water-based deodorant is relatively safer for health than oil-based deodorizer.
Oil-based deodorant is more durable so the selling price can be more expensive. This type of deodorizer usually uses some solvent / carrier liquids, including isopranin, diethyl phthalate or mixtures thereof. While the type of peremprotant deodorizer generally contains isobutane, ribure, propanc or mixture thereof. For the form of gci with gum content. The active substance of this form of aroma is generally a mixture of perfumes, such as limo-ncne, benzyl acetate, linalool, citronellol, ocimcnc, and so forth.
Fragrance material generally consists of three forms, namely:
A. Solid fragrances, such as talcum powder.
B. Liquid perfumes, such as deodorants.
C. Liquid aerosol fragrances, such as perfume. A liquid aerosol deodorizer uses a propellant (propellant) chemical compound to produce aerosol, which is chloroflurocarbon (CFC).
Fragrant aroma on fragrance material can be obtained from natural materials, such as:
A. Phenyl alcohol = found in roses
B. Citrate = the fruits
C. Ambergis = from whale gut extract
D. Gray amber = from shark sperm
E. Castorium = from the female reindeer glands that exist in North America
And Siberia
F. C / Vet = from the Ethiopian civet gland

3. how to make laundry laundry

Prepare raw materials to make laundry perfume (for 10 liters of solution):

* Seeds perfume 100 - 300 ml
* Methanol Pure 100% (minimum 99.85%) ± 9500 ml
* Aquades (Demineralized Water) 300 - 500 ml, can be replaced with water refill / water RO / AQUA etc.
* Food coloring to taste
* Fixamax 50 - 250 ml


Combine most of the pure Methanol with pure water (Aquades), then enter Fixamax, stir until completely blended completely, insert the seeds of perfume, stir again until blended, insert pure methanol into solution until the volume reaches 10 liters, lastly enter the food coloring sufficiently, This dye only serves as the only differentiator between the types of aromas with one another, so there is no correlation with the quality of laundry fragrance, for it is advisable to use a little because if too much it can make clothes become stained (color stains).

Why laundry perfume should use water, whereas many laundry manufacturers who claim that laundry perfume they produce do not use water even claim their laundry perfume without water at all so free from the smell of musty?

If the reader understands the chemical reaction to methanol, you would argue against the laundry manufacturer claiming that the laundry perfume they produce has no water content at all, let's take a look:

2 CH2OH + 3 O2 → 2 CO2 + 4 H2O

From chemical reaction it can be explained that methanol (chemical formula = CH3OH) exposed to air and react with oxygen (chemical formula = O2) will produce carbon dioxide (chemical formula = CO2) and water (chemical formula = H2O), therefore No methanol levels are really 100% pure.

Water serves as a moisturizing perfume and slows down the evaporation of perfume laundry so that the clothes last longer absorb the perfume, but mixing the excess water let alone by using ordinary water will make the clothes become musty and moldy, using pure water and certain thresholds, then the laundry perfume applied To laundry clothes will not cause mold and musty smell.

Mushrooms and musty smells that arise in laundry clothes is not only caused by the mixture of water in the laundry perfume, poor quality of perfume seeds, wrong fixative selection, methanol with poor quality also has contributed to the musty odor generated, for that choose raw materials really good.

B.  Photosynthesis

Photosynthesis is a process used by plants and other organisms to convert light energy, usually from the Sun, into a chemical energy that can then be liberated to fuel organism activity. This chemical energy is stored in carbohydrate molecules, such as sugars, which are synthesized from carbon dioxide and water. In most cases, oxygen is also produced as a waste product. Most plants, mostly algae, and cyanobacteria do photosynthesis, and these organisms are called photoautotrophs. Photosynthesis maintains atmospheric oxygen levels and supplies all organic compounds and most of the energy needed for life on Earth.
Briefly, plants use a chemical reaction called photosynthesis to convert carbon dioxide and water into food (glucose) and oxygen. It is one of the most common daily chemical reactions and also one of the most important, because this is how plants produce food for themselves and animals and convert carbon dioxide into oxygen.
6 CO2 + 6 H2O + light → C6H12O6 + 6 O2

B. Fruit Maturation
A simple hydrocarbon gas ethylene exchanges the genes necessary to stimulate the secretion of a maturation enzyme that catalyzes the reaction to alter the properties of the fruit.
Ethylene channelizes are the actions of several other chemical reaction substances called hydrolases, amylases, pectinases and kinases. These enzymes convert starch into sugars, change cell walls to make them softer, neutralize acids and cause fruit to emit aromas.

C. Fermentation
Fermentation is the conversion of complex substances to be simpler under anaerobic conditions. The products of fermentation are driven by the type of microorganisms that work on the substance when fermentation occurs.
Fermentation products are alcohols or acids and the release of carbon dioxide. For example, wine produced from fruit juice is alcohol as a result of fermentation by yeast, while beer is the result of fermentation of wheat yeast. Antibiotics are obtained by fermentation by mold and some bacteria. Yogurt, cheese and vinegar are products of bacterial fermentation. The yeast is obtained by yeast fermentation.

D. Burning reactions
The combustion reaction is a type of redox reaction in which the fuel reacts with the oxidizing agent, thereby releasing energy as heat.

This reaction is exothermic, which means that energy is released during the reaction. The endothermic reaction is one that absorbs heat. The typical combustion reaction has hydrocarbons as a fuel source, and oxygen gas as an oxidizer. Such a reaction product would be CO2 and H2O.
CxHyOz + O2 → CO2 + H2O (balanced)
Such a reaction would be a glucose burning in the following equation
C6H12O6 (s) + O2 (g) → CO2 (g) + H2O (g)
In real life for example explosion and burning.

E. carat

Rust is iron oxide, usually a red oxide formed by redox reactions of iron and oxygen in the presence of water or air humidity. Some forms of rust are distinguished both visually and by spectroscopy, and form under different circumstances. Rust consists of hydrated iron (III) oxide Fe2O3 • nH2O and iron (III) oxides-hydroxides (FeO (OH), Fe (OH) 3).
In sufficient time, oxygen, and water, every iron mass will eventually convert entirely of rust and crumbling. The rust surface is flaked and brittle, and does not provide protection to the base iron, such as the formation of patina on the surface of the copper. Rust is a general term for corrosion of iron and its alloys, such as steel. Many other metals have equal corrosion, but the resulting oxide is not commonly called rust.
Here is the chemical equation for iron rust:
Fe + O2 + H2O → Fe2O3. XH2O

F. Mixing Chemicals

If we just combine vinegar and baking soda to make chemical volcanoes or milk with baking powder in a recipe, we experience the displacement or double reaction metathesis (plus some other things). The material recombines to produce carbon dioxide and water gases. The carbon dioxide forms a bubble in the volcano and can help increase roasting.
These reactions seem simple in practice, but often consist of several steps. Here is the overall chemical equation for the reaction between baking soda and vinegar:
HC2H3O2 (aq) + NaHCO3 (aq) → NaC2H3O2 (aq) + H2O () + CO2 (g)

14 komentar:

  1. Give me negative impact from parfume?

    1. Doctor Heather Patisaul, a biologist at North Carolina State University, said the perfume can make anyone allergic, such assneezing, headaches, and colds. Perfumes containing phthalates or called dietyl phthalate (DEP) can disrupt the male hormone testosterone.

  2. Which I know perfume bad for the environment. Then is it harmful to the body?

    1. In this study Parlett studied several women in America as a whole to show a link between the use of beauty products with levels of chemicals in the body.

      This study shows the presence of phthalates in perfume. These chemicals can cause diabetes, gain weight, and disrupt the hormone system. According to the results of the urine test, women who took perfume had 2.9 times greater concentrations of MEP chemicals than women who did not spray fragrances for 24 hours before the urine test.

  3. Could you give examples for advantage and disadvantage from fragrance?

    1. Advantages: - With preservatives, foods and beverages become more durable - Practical, easier to store, and easy to obtain - Use of sweeteners is very beneficial for people with diabetes and disease Disadvantages: - Reduces body resistance from disease attacks - Creates an addiction / addiction effect - Artificial additives do not have nutrients when compared with natural additives

  4. What microorganisms work during fermentation ?

    1. Microorganisms are used as catalysts or to accelerate the fermentation process

  5. Haii muji.. Can you give me the example of stoichiometry ?? And give your explanation olease

    1. Propane burns by reaction equation:
      C3H8 + O2 → H2O + CO2

      If 200 g of propane is burned, then how much H2O is formed?

      First: Resolve the equation of the reaction!
      C3H8 + 5O2 → 4H2O + 3CO2
      Second: Calculate C3H8 mole!
      Mol = m / Mr -> mol = 200 g / 44 g / mol -> mol = 4.54 mol

      Third: Calculate the ratio of H2O: C3H8 -> 4: 1 (* based on the comparison coefficient on the equation of the reaction)

      Kempat: Calculate the moles of H2O by comparison
      Mol H2O: 4 = mol C3H8: 1
      -> mol H2O: 4 = 4.54 mol: 1
      -> mol H2O = 4.54 x 4 = 18.18 mol

      Fifth: Convert from mol to gram.
      Mol = m / Mr -> m = mol x Mr -> m = 18.18 mol x 18 = 327.27 grams.

  6. We know a lot of household goods made of plastic, and plastic contain chemical compounds. What if the goods are left exposed to sun exposure?

    1. Plastic if continuous exposure to sunlight or exposure to heat causes chemicals in the plastic to dissolve in water and trigger cancer.

  7. Why is water-based deodorant relatively safer for health than oil-based deodorizer?

    1. Because petroleum-based deodorizer or in English Petroleum-based surfactants, is another dangerous chemical containing alkyl phenoxy ethoxylates (APEs). These chemicals may still be unfamiliar and less familiar to many people, but significant enough impact to fertility.
