Senin, 08 Mei 2017

Various additives in food

Various additives in food


Additives are substances commonly added to a type of food or drink, so the food or drink is more interesting. Generally, additives have no nutritional value. This substance serves to preserve food, add flavor and aroma, and simplify the process of making food or drink.
In ancient times, food processing techniques only use natural ingredients, such as turmeric, chili, sugar, pandanus, etc. Because humans are not only satisfied with the natural ingredients in meeting the needs and improving the quality of life, then made the material synthesis.
Synthetic additive substances are safe to consume while still in safe threshold. The limit of the use of this foodstuff, regulated by the Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia No. 722 / Menkes / PER / IX / 88 on Food Additives, based on ADI (Acceptable Daily Intake), that is not harmful if consumed by humans on the basis of the calculation of weight perkilogram.


1. Dyestuffs
Is a material that can improve or give color to the food to be attractive.
Dyestuffs are distinguished by natural dyes and artificial coloring agents.

A. Natural Dyes
Made from extracts of certain plant parts, such as the green color of the pandan leaves or suji leaves, the yellow color of the turmeric, as shown in Figure 8.9, the brown color of the brown fruit, the red color of the teak leaves, and the yellow red color of the carrot. Because the number of color choices of natural dyes is limited, an attempt is made to synthesize dyes suitable for food from chemicals.

- Leaf pandan and suji green giver
- Turmeric yellow giver
- Brown chocolate giver
- Red carrot giver
- Caramel giver black brown

B. Artificial Dyes
1. made from chemicals.
Compared to natural dyes, synthetic dyes have several advantages, which have a choice of more colors, easy to store, and more durable.
Some synthetic dyes may provide the same color, but not necessarily all the dyes are suitable as additives in foods and beverages. Keep in mind that synthetic dyes that are not for food and beverages (textile dye) can endanger health when entering the body because it is carcinogen (cause of cancer). Therefore, you should be careful when buying food or drink that uses dyes. You must first believe that the dye that is used as an additive in food or beverages is indeed a food color and beverage.
Based on their solubility properties, food coloring agents are grouped into dye and lake. Dye is a food coloring agent that is generally soluble in water. Dye is usually sold on the market in the form of powders, granules, pastes or liquids. Lake is a combination of dye and base dyes coated by a particular substance. Due to its water-insoluble nature, the group's dyes are suitable for dyeing products that should not be exposed to water or products containing fats and oils.
- Erythrocyte red coloring
For example: for soft drinks and liquid food
- Green FCF
For example: for color giver ice cream, canned pear, jem, jelly, apple sauce and canned shrimp.
- Yellow FCF yellow giver
For example: for ice cream, yogurt, jem, jelly.
The results of the FAO / WHO study did not specify the dye utilization threshold but the permitted daily consumption threshold known as the acronym ADI (Acceptable Daily Intake). Determination was done after the case of dye poisoning in sugar and "popcorn" with a dose that is too high. Due to the poisoning, the child suffers from diarrhea.

2. Bleaching Substance

In addition to food coloring agents we know food whitening substances. For example: oxidaklor, hydrogen peroxide, benzoyl peroxide, etc. This bleaching substance is good for improving the color of the food without damaging the composition of the foodstuff. Example: fresh flour is usually yellow brownish or grayish yellow. These bleach agents can be used to whiten the flour. Hydrogen peroxide is commonly used to whiten the color of milk used to make cheese.
There are whitening agents that have a dual function, namely as bleach color of food substances as well as reagents to make the food is soluble in water. For example: sodium hypochlorite is used so that the water insoluble starch becomes water soluble.

3. Flavors and Aroma Givers

This is often referred to as the taste of food. For example, spices that come from nature, for example: nutmeg, pepper laos, etc.
A. Flavoring Substances
Food flavoring substance is the most widely used is MSG (Monosodium glutamate) or often called Vetsin and acid vinegar. MSG is made from sugar cane fermentation with the help of micrococcus glutamicus bacteria.

Flavoring agent if its use is excessive then cause disease. Examples of MSG use in Chinese and Japanese restaurants, if excessive use of MSG then cause a disease known as Chinese Restaurant Syndrome with symptoms of dizziness, fatigue or shortness of breath.
Other flavoring examples: sodium / potassium guanilate and sodium / potassium inosinate.

B. Aroma Substance
Substance-giving agent is widely used from ester group with flavor or aroma of fruit. Most fragrance agents are used in drinks.
1. Benzaldehyde for the aroma of the fruits of the lobbies
2. Ethyl butyrate for the aroma of pineapple
3. Amyl acetate for the banana fragrance
4. Amil valerat for an apple scent
5. Isoamil acetate for the banana fragrance of Ambon
6. Isobutyl propionate for an aroma of rum fruits
7. Octyl acetate for citrus fragrance
8. Methyl salicylate for gandapura oil scent (wintergreen).
9. Propyl acetate for a pear scent.

4. Sweetener Substance

Artificial sweetener is an additive that can cause sweet taste in food, but this material has no nutritional value. Sweet substance does not calorie and does not participate in the process of metabolism. Therefore, this material is used as a substitute for sugar in people with diabetes.
Good sugar made from sugar cane or from enau or coconut is broken down by the substance in the human body into glucose. This glucose is oxidized by oxygen to CO2 and H2O gas accompanied by heat or energy.
A. Natural sweetener. These sweeteners can be obtained from plants, such as coconut, sugar cane, and sugar palm. In addition, natural sweeteners can also be obtained from fruits and honey. Natural sweeteners function also as a source of energy. If we consume natural sweeteners in excess, we will experience the risk of obesity. People who have fat body should avoid foods or beverages that contain natural sweetener is too high.

B. Artificial sweeteners or synthetic. Artificial sweeteners can not be digested by the human body so it does not function as an energy source. Therefore, people who have diabetes (diabetes mellitus) usually consume synthetic sweetener as a substitute for natural sweetener. Examples of synthetic sweeteners, namely saccharin, sodium cyclamate, magnesium cyclamate, calcium cyclamate, aspartame and dulsin. Artificial sweeteners have a higher level of sweetness than natural sweeteners. Salt salt cyclamate has a sweetness 30 times higher than sweetness of sucrose. However, the sweetness of the sodium and calcium salts of saccharin has a sweetness of 800 times compared with 10% sucrose sweetness.
Although artificial sweeteners have an advantage over natural sweeteners, we need to avoid excessive consumption because it can provide side effects to health. For example, the use of saccharin is excessive in addition to causing the taste of food tasted bitter also stimulate the occurrence of tumors in the bladder. Another example, cyclamate salts in the metabolic process in the body can produce a carcinogenic cyclohexamine compound (a compound that can cause cancer). Cyclamate salts can also provide side effects of disturbances in the digestive system, especially on the formation of substances in the cell.

5. Preservatives

Preservatives are substances that can prevent or inhibit the fermentation, acidification, or decomposition of food by microorganisms, natural preservatives can be done by inserting food into salt or salted
Preservatives commonly used are easy-to-make preservatives such as sodium benzoate, sodium nitrate, propyanic acid, and potassium sorbate. Sodium benzoate is used for stale food, benzoate is effective at pH 2.5-40.

CH2 - CH = CH - CH = COOK

Na-Benzoat k-sorbat
Food preservatives prohibited by the Ministry of Health are formalin, borax and salicylic acid
Ethylene oxide and ethyl formate are fumigation materials used to remove pests from spices, nuts, and dried fruits.
Too much food-foods containing preservatives will reduce the body's resistance to attacks of various diseases.
A. Synthetic or artificial preservatives are the synthesis of chemicals. For example, vinegar can be used as a pickle preservative and sodium propionate or calcium propionate is used to preserve bread and pastries. Sodium benzoate salts, citric acid, and tartaric acid are also commonly used to preserve food. In addition to these substances, there are also other preservatives, namely sodium nitrate or salt (NaNO3) which serves to keep the appearance of red meat remains. The usual phosphoric acid added to some refreshments also includes preservatives.
In addition to preservatives that are safe for consumption, there are also preservatives that should not be used to preserve food. Preservatives in question, including formalin commonly used to preserve objects, such as dead bodies or animals. The use of formalin preservatives to preserve foods, such as meatballs, salted fish, tofu, and other types of foods can pose health risks. In addition to formalin, there are also preservatives that should not be used to preserve food. The preservatives in question are boron preservatives.
This preservative is disinfectant or effective in inhibiting the growth of microbes that cause rotting food and can improve the texture of food so that more supple. Borax should only be used for non-food industries, such as in the manufacture of glass, paper industry, wood preservative, and ceramics. If the borax is ingested in certain levels, it can cause a number of side effects to health, including:
A. Disorders of the nervous system, kidneys, liver, and skin;
B. Symptoms of bleeding in the stomach and impaired central nervous stimulation;
C. The occurrence of complications in the brain and liver; and
D. Causing death if the kidney contains 3-6 grams of borax.
Although synthetic preservatives are available that are used as food additives, in developed countries many people are reluctant to eat foods that use synthetic preservatives. This has led to the development of food and beverage preservation science and technology without the addition of chemical substances, for example by using ultraviolet (UV), ozone, or warming light at very high temperatures so that food can be sterilized without damaging the quality of food.

14 komentar:

  1. What dangers and diseases can be suffered, if you eat foods containing chemical dyes, and usually how long will these negative effects be felt after consuming foods containing chemicals?

    1. 1. Dyestuffs
      If these textile dyes are mixed into food or drink, although the colors produced are as expected, the effects are very harmful to the health of the body. Therefore, textile dyes are carcinogens that cause cancer.
      2. Sweetener Substance
      That is why, there are artificial sweeteners that are made specifically for people with diabetes mellitus / diabetes as a substitute for sugar.
      3. Preservatives
      Cancer if taken long term
      4. Flavoring Substances
      Cancer, diabetes, and other disease complaints.

  2. What is the purpose of adding additives?

    1. To maintain the nutritional value of food because during the processing of food, there are nutrients that are damaged or lost,
      In order for more attractive food,
      In order to maintain the quality and stability of food,
      For the consumption of certain people who need a diet,
      In order for more durable food is stored.

  3. How to prevent the negative infect of addictive substances?

    1. How to prevent:
      1. Whenever buying food products, read the type and amount of dyes used in the product.

      2. Pay attention to the label on each product packaging. Make sure that the label says the permission from the BPOM (Food and Drug Administration) states: "POM and Registration number". Or if the product is the result of home industry then there must be a registration number written: "P-IRT and registration license number".

      3. For food products that are not specifically packaged, you should choose foods or beverages that color is not too flashy, because the possibility of color comes from non-food coloring materials such as textile dyes.
      When it is infected additives better taken to the doctor.

  4. can you give example about this statement "Preservatives are substances that can prevent or inhibit the fermentation"?

    1. Lactobacillus bulgaricus is alive from "eating" lactose (milk sugar) and secrete lactic acid. This acid also preserves milk and degrades lactose (milk sugar). Lactic acid produced during the fermentation process will inhibit the growth of mold and yeast.

  5. What are the components of an addictive substance?

    1. Components of additives such as flavor enhancers as synthetic flavoring agents are flavour components classified into 4 groups:

      1. Components that are naturally present in foodstuffs.

      2. Substances isolated from natural flavoring agents.

      3. Substances are synthesized but identical to those made naturally.

      4. Substances that are synthesized are not present in natural components.

  6. what is the negative impact from Artificial sweeteners or synthetic?

    1. Negative impact of synthetic sweetener use

      - Synthetic sweeteners are marketed as one diet product, but this is by no means a diet product. In fact, this can cause your body weight to increase because it can create a carbohydrate addiction. Making your body weight increases is just a small thing that can be done by a synthetic sweetener

      - Synthetic sweeteners are toxic chemicals that can change chemicals in the brain and are really deadly for people who suffer from Parkinson's.

      - For diabetics, be careful when consuming for long periods of products containing sweeteners with high sugar content because it can cause coma, even death.

  7. Are synthetic dyes harmful to the body when consumed?

    1. Yes, because synthetic dyes that are harmful to health are as follows:

      Rhodamine B

      The Government of Indonesia establishes 30 hazardous dyes through Minister of Health Regulation no. 239 / Menkes / Per / V / 85. Rhodamine B is one of the dyes and is prohibited from use in food products. However, the abuse of rhodamine B as a food coloring agent often occurs in the field and is reported in several mass media. Rhodamine B is found in foods and beverages such as crackers, bottle sauce and syrup at the time of BPOM Makassar to examine a number of samples of food and soft drinks.

      Rhodamine B is quite easy to recognize, because of its crystal-like shape and is either green or purple. In addition, rhodamine is odorless and easily soluble in bright fluorescent-colored solutions. This dyestuff has many synonyms, including D and C Red no 19, Food Red 15, Rhodamine B ADC, Rhodamine Aizen and Brilliant Pink B. Rhodamine is commonly used in the textile industry. Initially, this substance is used as a dye fabric or clothing. The dyestuff mixture will produce attractive colors. Rhodamine B is also indispensable for paper mills. Functions the same, namely as a dye paper so that the paper colors are produced interesting. Unfortunately, this substance is misused to be a food coloring.

      The use of these dyestuffs was banned in Europe beginning in 1984, because rhodamine B is a strong carcinogen. Other negative effects are causing liver dysfunction or even can lead to liver cancer Some studies have proven that the dye is harmful when used on food. Damage to liver tissue is characterized by picnotics (cells that do pinocytosis) and hyperchromatic from the nucleus, fat degeneration And cytolysis of the cytoplasm.

      In the analysis using the method of destruction, then followed by the analysis of spectrophotometric method, it is known that the properties of rhodamine B toxin are not only caused by organic compounds, but also by contamination of inorganic compounds, especially lead and arsenic. The existence of both elements causes rhodamine B harmful if used as a dye in food, medicine and cosmetics. This is supported by Winarno stating that lead is widely used as a pigment or dyestuff in the cosmetic industry and contamination in food can occur by textile dyes.
