Kamis, 25 Mei 2017

The last task of wahyu mujiasih (chemical bond)

The last task of wahyu mujiasih (chemical bond)

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Chemical bond

A chemical bond is a physics process that is responsible for the interaction of attraction between two atoms or molecules that causes a diatomic or polyatomic compound to be stable. The types of chemical bonds are as follows:

A. Ionic bonds and covalent bonds
The octet rule is that most atoms tend to have eight electrons in the outermost shell. Atoms with electrons are a bit like 1H, 2He, and 3Li. Tend to have two electrons on its outer shell (duplet rule).
To obtain a stable electron array (eight or two electrons) on the outer shell of existing atoms tends to release electrons, others tend to capture electrons.

If the outer electrons 1,2, or 3 atoms tend to release electrons.
If the outer electron of 4.5.6 or 7 atoms tends to capture electrons.
If the outer electron 8, the electron array is stable.

Based on the tendency of atoms to release or capture electrons, there are two main types of chemical bonds:
1. The bond of ions (electrotalen), the bond between positive ions and negative ions. This bond occurs due to the transfer of electrons from one atom to another that causes the formation of positive ions and negative ions which then tugs so that ion bonds form.
This bond usually occurs between metals (atoms that tend to release electrons) with non-metals (atoms that tend to capture electrons).

Compounds that have ionic bonds include:
• Alkaline group (IA) [except H atoms] with halogen groups (VIIA). Examples: NaF, KI, and CsF
• Group alkali (IA) [except H atom] with oxygen class (VIA). Examples: Na2S, Rb2S, Na2O
• Group of alkaline earth (IIA) with oxygen class (VIA). Examples of "CaO, BaO, MgS

2. Covalent bond, the bond that occurs due to the use of electron pairs together. In the covalent bonds each of the atoms binds contribute a large electron.
If the donated electron pair (for use together) is only one atom then a covalent coordination bond is formed.
A covalent bond occurs between the same non-metallic element compounds (both tend to capture electrons).

The various covalent bonds are as follows:
1. Single covalent bond
Is a covalent bond with the number of pairs of electrons used together amounted to a pair.
2. Twofold covalent bonds
Double covalent bonds have two pairs (4 pieces) of shared electrons.
3. Triple covalent bonds
Number of pairs of electrons used in covalent bonds 3 copies of the answer is 3 pairs (6 pieces of electrons).
Differences of ionic and covalent bonds are as follows:
A. Ionic bonds
• In a pure state it can conduct electricity.
• Melting point and high boiling point.
• Everything is solid at room temperature.
B. Covalent bond
• In pure state can not conduct electricity.
• Low melting and boiling points.
• There are dense, liquid, and gas.

10 komentar:

  1. Why is the VIIIA group called noble gas explain?

    1. Because these elements are having perfect (complete) electron configurations, in which each skin and subshell are fully charged electrons.

      Thus, the valence electron of the noble gas element is eight (except for the Helium element with two valence electrons). Such a configuration causes the noble gases to tend to be stable in monoatomic form and difficult to react with other elements.

      In the form of monoatomik, then he gas bervasa.

  2. Metal elements when a compound with nonmetallic elements has a tendency to form ionic bonds. How do you think about this statement? Explain.

    1. I agree with that opinion, Because in spu (elemental periodic system) element "metal has an excessive e.valence to achieve octets, so that the element so stable then the metal element release e.valensi its excessive to other elements tied ..
      And the element in obtaining the e.valence of the metal is a non-metallic element, since the non-metallic spaw is less to achieve the octet.

      Ionic Bonds between Na and Cl
      (Na) -> Gol.IA elemental metal, with no.atom 11, so e.valension 1, then for octet Na release 1 electron
      (Cl) -> non-metallic element Gol.VIIA, with no.atom 17, so e.valence is 7, then for Cl octet receives 1 electron
      So the ionic bonds between Na and CL become as follows: NaCl

  3. Explain the difference between diatomic and poliatomic compounds and examples

    1. Diatomics is a molecule consisting of only two atoms. Both atoms can be the same or different elements. The prefix in diatomic word comes from the Greek meaning two. The elements found in the form of a diatomic molecule include hydrogen (H2), nitrogen (N2), oxygen (O2), and halogen: fluorine (F2), chlorine (Cl2), bromine (Br2), iodine (I2), and astatin (At2).
      Poliatomics are ions composed of one molecule with atoms covalently bonded or from a metal complex which can be considered to act as a single unit in the chemical context of the acid base or in salt formation.
      The main examples of polyatomic ions are hydroxide and ammonium.

  4. What is specific difference between ionic bond and covalen bond?

    1. Ion / Elektrovalen / Heteropolar Bonding. Bonds between positive ions and negative ions due to electrostatic forces.
      ⇒ Occurs between metal and nonmetallic elements
      ⇒ Occurs between groups IA / IIA with VI A / VII A
      ⇒ Occurs between elements with small ionisation energies and elements with large electron affinities
      ⇒ There is a big difference of keeletronegatifan

      ⇒ Has a high boiling point and high melting point
      ⇒ Easily soluble in polar solvents
      ⇒ The form of melt / melting can conduct electricity, solid form can not conduct electricity
      ⇒ Loud and brittle
      For example NaCl, KCl, MgBr₂, CaI₂. Al₃O₃, BaS

      Covalent / Homopolar Ties. Bonds that occur based on usage (or use) with the electron pair.
      ⇒ Occurs between atoms / similar elements
      ⇒ Occurs between non-metallic elements

      ⇒ Vaporizable (liquid / gas)
      ⇒ Has a low boiling point and a low melting point
      ⇒ For polar covalent it can conduct electricity
      ⇒ For non polar covalent is unable to conduct electricity

  5. Please explain about the characteristic of ionic bond?

    1. Some of the characteristics of the ionic bonds are as follows:
      1. Due to the fact that metals tend to lose electrons and non-metals tend to get electrons, ionic bonds are common between metal and non-metals. Therefore, unlike covalent bonds that can only form between non-metals, ionic bonds may form between metal and non-metals.
      2. While naming ion compounds, metal names always come first and non-metallic names come second. For example, in the case of sodium chloride (NaCl), sodium is a metal while chlorine is non-metallic.
      3. Compounds containing water-soluble ionic bonds as well as some other polar solvents. The ion bond, thus, has an effect on the solubility of the resulting compound.
      4. When the ionic compound is dissolved in the solvent to form a homogeneous solution, the solution tends to conduct electricity.
      5. The ion bonds have an effect on the melting point of the compound as well, because the ionic compounds tend to have higher melting points, which means that ionic bonds remain stable for larger temperature ranges.
