Rabu, 26 April 2017

dialogue between teachers and students with a scientific approach

Understanding the Scientific ApproachThe scientific approach is the scientific framework of learning that is carried by the Curriculum 2013. Steps on a scientific approach is a form of adaptation of scientific steps in science. The learning process can be matched by a scientific process, therefore the 2013 Curriculum mandates the essence of a scientific approach in learning. The scientific approach is believed to be a golden tool for the development and development of students' attitudes, skills, and knowledge. In approaches or work processes that meet the scientific criteria, scientists are more concerned with inductive reasoning than deductive reasoning.Deductive reasoning sees a common phenomenon and then draws a specific conclusion. In contrast, inductive reasoning sees a specific phenomenon or situation to then draw an overall conclusion. Indeed, inductive reasoning places specific evidence into the broader relation of ideas. Scientific methods generally place unique phenomena with specific and detailed studies to then formulate general conclusions. The scientific method refers to investigative techniques on some or more phenomena or symptoms, acquires new knowledge, or corrects and incorporates prior knowledge.To be scientific, the method of inquiry should be based on the evidence of observable, empirical, and measurable objects with specific principles of reasoning. Scientific methods generally contain a series of data collection activities through observation or experimentation, processing information or data, analyzing, then formulating, and testing Hypotheses.

Learning Steps with a Scientific ApproachAccording to Permendikbud Number 81 A Year 2013 attachment IV, the learning process consists of five basic learning experiences, namely:• observe;• asking questions;• collect information / experiments;• associate / process information; and• communicate.


 Observing is a method that prioritizes the meaningfulness of the learning process (meaningfull learning). Learning activities undertaken in the process of observing are reading, listening, listening, seeing (without or with tools). Competence developed is to train sincerity, thoroughness, seeking information.
 Questioning is a learning activity conducted by asking questions about information that is not understood from what is observed or questions to get additional information about what is observed (starting from factual questions down to hypothetical questions). The competencies developed are to develop creativity, curiosity, the ability to formulate questions to form the critical thinking necessary for intelligent life and lifelong learning. 
Gathering Information / Experiments 
Gathering information / experiments is a learning activity in the form of experiments, reading sources other than textbooks, observing objects / events / activities, and interviews with resource persons. Competencies developed in the process of gathering information / experiments are developing a meticulous, honest, courteous, respectful attitude, communication ability, applying information gathering skills through various ways learned, developing lifelong learning and learning habits.
Associate / Process Information 
Associating / processing information is a learning activity in the form of information processing that has been collected both limited from the results of collecting activities / experiments as well as the results of observing activities and information gathering activities. Competencies developed in the process of associating / processing information is to develop an honest attitude, meticulous, disciplined, obedient rules, hard work, the ability to apply procedures and the ability of inductive and deductive thinking in concluding. 
Communicating is a learning activity in the form of delivering the results of observations, conclusions based on the results of analysis orally, written, or other media. Competents developed in communicating stages are developing honest, meticulous, tolerant, systematic thinking skills, expressing opinions briefly and clearly, and developing good and correct language skills.

example :
  food additives

One morning in the classroom at school. The students who were waiting for his teacher came. There was a student who bought food, at that very moment the other students were so curious about the food, because a very seductive color caused one of the students did not hesitate to ask,

"What kind of food do you bring, it seems delicious". Said the barrel

"This is the food I bought earlier when going to school". Answer widya

Soon, the teacher they were waiting for came.

"Congratulations to the children". Sapa the teacher

"Good morning also buk". Answer all students

"Open your book page 19, mom will explain about additives on food". The teacher's orders

The teacher immediately asked the question "does anyone know what the additive means to food?".

With firm praise was immediately raised his hand and said "I miss".

"Yes, please explain the praise". The teacher's orders

"Additives in food is a food additives buk" said praise

The teacher spontaneously answered "true, the additive in food is the ingredients added intentionally into the food in small quantities, to improve the appearance, taste, texture, flavor, and shelf life".

Laras also asked the teacher "what are the substances additive miss?"

"Additives to the food are natural and artificial additives, natural and artificial substances in the form of food coloring, artificial sweeteners, food preservatives, and flavorings." The teacher repliedSpontaneously the teacher immediately asked "why are your hands red-colored?"

The barrel replied "this is because I eat the food I bought earlier in the book".

The teacher also explained again "well, on the barrel hand that we see it because of the dye, dye is natural like using turmeric, and so on. If the artificial textile dye, if people who want to reap bigger profits then they will do the crime by giving the textile dye on food to be durable. Like CFC dyes, it also includes dye.

"If artificial sweeteners such as saccharin, magnesium cyclamate, and sodium cyclamate and natural sugar cane. If an artificial preservative such as vinegar, sodium benzoate, compounds NaNO3, phosphoric acid, and citric acid. If the artificial flavoring is octyl acetate, ethyl butyrate, amyl acetate, and amyl velerate, and also other addictive substances, and much more ". Add the teacher.

"Is everything understood?" The teacher asked

"Understand the book" answer all students

Senin, 24 April 2017

definisi cause and effect

Definition of cause and effect
Cause and effect text is a type of paragraph that contains writer's analyzes of cause and effect. This paragraph begins with the causes described at the beginning of the sentence and then drawn into a general conclusion that is the result of the causes - the causes that have been described.
This cause and effect paragraph model is often used in essay writing and text explanation. This is because this model is considered to have a clear and structured flow of ideas that allows readers to understand when reading them.

Generic Structure
The cause and effect paragraph has the following structure or generic structure:
1. Have a main idea on the topic of sentence that will be discussed in the whole paragraph.
2. Having supporting details or supporting sentences in the form of causes.
3. Ends with concluding sentence or inferred conclusion.

Language Form
The cause and effect paragraph has the following language styles.
1. Using tenses that are bound to the context of time in a sentence, in other words, can be past tense, present tense, or future tense.
2. Many use verbs or verbs in active and passive sentences.
3. Using transitions such as, due to, because, consequently, as a result, and causes.
4. Using third person point of view.


Acid rain is a natural event that is so worrying for mankind. How come? The impact of acid rain can damage infrastructure and infrastructure on earth. Not only that, acid rain can also threaten human life on this earth. And this paper will contain a brief explanation of the understanding, causes and impacts of acid rain.

Understanding Acid Rain

The largest online Wikipedia site suggests acid rain as a whole kind of rain that has a pH level below 5.6. Naturally acid rain has an acidity level (pH) slightly below 6 because carbon dioxide gas reacts with water vapor in the air and forms acid rain. This kind of rain is very good to help dissolve minerals.

The definition of acid rain is now widespread because it involves sulfur gas (sulfur) and nitrogen in the air that react with oxygen that forms sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide. The substances then react again with water vapor and form sulfuric acid and nitric acid which eventually condenses to form clouds that make it acid rain.

The Cause of Acid Rain
The occurrence of acid rain is certainly not without cause, there is a certain cause behind it. As mentioned earlier, the greatest causes of acid rain are from natural disasters (volcanic eruptions) and human handicrafts (motor vehicle fumes and industries). Therefore, it is necessary for the active role of all parties so that the danger of acid rain can be overcome, for example, people use tools (machine or environmentally friendly vehicles), the government socializes the movement for love of the environment, and so on.

Due to Acid Rain
Acid rain has a negative effect on the environment and human life. Therefore we must immediately play an active role in tackling the occurrence of prolonged acid rain. And here's some of the effects of acid rain:
• Acid rain affects human health, can heat heat.
• Acid rain can damage and interfere with plant growth.
• Acid rain can damage existing buildings on the ground (rusted).
• Acid rain can kill a wide variety of aquatic organisms.
• Acid rain can increase the concentration of metals in water.