Sabtu, 22 April 2017

chemistry vocabulary

Chemistry Vocabulary

1.     Addition is a type of reaction of a carbon compound in which the double bond is saturated.
2.      Alkanes are saturated aliphatic hydrogencarbons.
3.      Alkene is an aliphatic hydrocarbon with one carbon-carbon double bond.
4.      Alkyl is a one-handed group derived from alkanes.
5.      Alkano is the aliphatic hydrocarbon with a triple carbon-carbon bond.
6.  The atom is the smallest part of the element involved in a chemical reaction and all substances are composed of atoms in a particular composition.
7.     Rule (Law) Oktet is the tendency of elements to achieve the configuration of the nearest noble gas octet.
8.      Fossil fuels are fuels derived from the remains of organisms.
9.     The oxidation number is the charge carried by an atom in a compound if all elktron bonds are distributed to a more electronegative element.
10. The degree of ionization is the ratio between the amount of the ionizing agent and the amount of the original substance.
11.   Distillation may be called a distillation that is a chemical separation method based on the difference in velocity or volatility of materials
12.   Deamination The process of removing amino groups from a molecule
13.  Dehydrohalogenation The reaction that causes the loss of hydrogen and halogen from a molecule
14.   Decarboxylation The release reaction of CO2 molecules
15.   Denaturation of Proteins The process of breaking or destruction of weak chemical bonds in proteins due to certain treatments that cause destruction of quaternary, tertiary structures and even secondary protein structures.
16.   Degree of Dissociation Comparison of the amount of substances that decompose with the amount of the substance initially
17. The greenhouse effect is the nature of the atmosphere that can degrade visible and ultraviolet radiation properties, but withstand infrared radiation.
18.   Electrolytes That is a melt or a solution of substances that can conduct electricity.
19.  Strong electrolytes are electrolytes whose electrical conductivity is good despite its low relative concentration.
20.   The weak electrolyte is an electrolyte whose electrical conductivity is relatively poor, its concentration is relatively large.
21.   Electro valence is an electron that can be used to form chemical bonds.
22.  The law of mass conservation The law which states that the mass of matter before and after the reaction is fixed
23.   The law of multiplier This law states that there can be two kinds of elements forming two or more compounds, if the first element has the same mass, then the second element in the compounds has a ratio as an integer and a simple
24.  Electrochemical Branch of science that studies the relationship of electrical energy with chemical reactions
25.   Electroplating The process of coating metal surfaces with other metals
26.   Colloid emulsion formed by a dispersed liquid phase in a liquid dispersing medium
27.  Colloidal Emulsions Colloid composed by a liquid dispersed phase in a solid dispersant medium
28.  Activation Energy The minimum kinetic energy that must be owned or given to the particle for its collision to produce a reaction
29.  Energy Bond Energy needed to break the bonds between atoms from one mole of the compound in the form of gas and generated gas atoms
30.   Ionization Energy The lowest energy that an atom needs to be able to release its valence electrons
31.   Enthalpy The energy content of a substance at a fixed pressure
32.  Entalpy Disalpi The enthalpy of the dissolution reaction from one mole of the compound into the solvent and into a dilute solution
33.  Enthalpy Burning Entalpi combustion reaction is perfectly one mole of compound with oxygen
34.  Enthalpy The formation of enthalpy of reaction formation of one mole of the compound of its elements
35.  Decomposition enthalpy The enthalpy of decomposition reaction from one mole of the compound into its elements
36.   Enzymes One or several polypeptide (protein) groups that act as catalysts
37.   Formaldehyde The simplest compound of aldehydes
38.   Enzyme phosphatase that catalyzes the phosphate group release reaction of a compound
39.  Phosphofructokinase Enzyme that catalyzes 6-phosphorylation of fructose into fructose 1,6-bisphosphate
40.  Mol Fig. Numbers that express the ratio of the number of moles of solute and solvent in a solution

10 komentar:

  1. Hi wahyu. could you give me different of entalphy disarpi and entalphy burning? explain to me

    1. Entalpi is a term in thermodynamics that states the amount of energy of a thermodynamic system. Whereas the standard combustion enthalpy is the total enthalpy change in a reaction system (where the reaction product is declared as thermodynamic system) which occurs when one molecule reacts perfectly with oxygen occurring at 298K and atmospheric pressure 1 atm

  2. hi wahyu, please give examples from Mol Fig!

    1. The fraction of moles or mole fig for example as follows:
      If 39.875 grams of CuSO4 (Mr = 159.5) is dissolved in 90 grams of water
      (Mr = 18), determine the mole fraction of the solute and the mole fraction of the solvent
      The number of moles of solute (CuS04)
      N = mass CuS04: Mr

      N = 39.875 grams: 159.5 grams / mol = 0.25 mol

      The number of moles of solvent (np)
      N water = water mass: Mr. water
      N = 90 grams: 18 grams / mol = 5 mol

      The mole fraction of solvent (water), Xp = n water: (n water + n CuSO4)
      The mole fraction of solvent = 5: (5 + 0.25) = 0.952 mol
      The mole fraction of CuS04, (Xt) = 0.25: (5 + 0.25) = 0.048
      Number of mole fractions = 0.952 + 0.048 = 1

  3. Can you give me example from Fossil fuels?

    1. Examples of fossil fuel are:
      1. oil
      2. natural gas
      3. coal

  4. How the process of forming fossil fuels?

    1. In the manufacture of fossil fuels are usually found simultaneously. The formation of oil and natural gas began millions of years ago when solar energy is stored in marine organisms such as algae and plankton. These organisms are buried in layers of sediment or sediment, such as sand and salt. For millions of years, organism-forming chemicals have turned into oil and natural gas because of the bacteria and sedimentary layer pressures that are increasingly dividing them. The pressure of the moving Earth's corals causes creases or fractures. Oil and natural gas often accumulate in between the layers. Due to the nature of oil and gas that is more tenuous than water, so it can rise through the porous coral. Then oil and gas accumulate beneath a layer of non-porous coral, called a coral reef. By thoroughly examining coral formation, the oil and natural gas sites can be estimated with high precision

  5. What is the difference of strong electrolyte and weak electrolyte?

    1. The difference between Powerful Electrolyte and Weak Electrolyte is:

      1. The strong electrolyte is easily soluble in water, but the weak electrolyte does not dissolve easily.
      2. Strong electrolytes completely separate or ionize in solution, while weak electrolytes partially separate or ionize.
      3. Powerful electrolytes conduct very efficient electricity because of the large amount of ions in the medium, but weak electrolytes deliver only small currents.
