Sabtu, 15 April 2017

classification of matter

1. Atom is The smallest unit of matter consisting of a nucleus, which contains protons (payload +) and neutrons(neutral), and skin that contain negative charges, namely electrons. Some say that the atom is a constituent particles unsur. second these issues in all right. Yangatom sure that: - has protons, neutrons, electrons, (except pd Hydrogen-1, which has no neutrons) - has certain characteristics, which have a number of protons and electrons of the same (if unequal called ions) - atom2 which has the same characteristics called elemen
2. Molekul is The combination of a few atoms of the element, it can be two or more. This means that when speaking molecules then imagined adalahgabunganatom2 (instead of 1 atom). The molecule is the smallest particle of an element / senyawa- If an aggregate of atoms of the same type of molecules is called the Elements, for example: O2, H2, O3, S8- If an aggregate of atoms of different elements kind then called molecular compounds, for example: H2O, CO2, C2H53. Ionadalah: the electrically charged atoms, called ions electrically charged cations and negatively charged ions are called anions. Dananion cation can be a single ion consists of only one type of atomor can also be polyatomic ions containing two or more atoms that berbeda. Conclusion : These elements of the particles can be atoms / molecules of elements. Unsur2 particles is in the form of atoms, that means that it can stand alone or simply contains one atom, the writing written with the chemical symbol, such as C (carbon), He (Helium). When the particle form of the molecule it means that these elements formed from a combination of atoms of the same type, hecan not stand on its own, the unsur2 written with chemical symbol accompanied by the number of atoms penyusunya. For example: O2, H2. Hence the element oxygen is never written only the letter O alone, but added the number 2 as meaning that this element
3. Unsur is A group of atoms that have the same number of protons in its nucleus. Total inidisebut as the atomic number of the element. The element is also defined as a single substance that can not be divided again

18 komentar:

  1. If molekul is element and unsure too, so what is element?

    1. Elements are pure substances that can not be broken down by chemical methods into simple components. For example, gold elements can not be broken down into anything other than gold. If you keep hitting gold with a hammer, the pieces will get smaller, but each piece will always be gold.

  2. Emm Wahyu !. Why not the same atoms and molecules ??? Please help me

    1. because,Single element atoms while two or more atomic molecules are combined together.
      Molecules have bonds between atoms. They have intra-molecular and intermolecular forces, but atoms have only interatomic forces.
      Molecules usually stabilize by themselves while atoms are unstable (except noble gases). Therefore, single atoms can not be found in different realms with molecules.

  3. So, what is the difference between the atoms, molecules and elements? along with examples

    1. Atoms are: The smallest unit of a material consisting of a nucleus, which usually contains protons (charge +) and neutrons (neutrals), and skins that contain a negative charge of electrons.
      For example: C
      Combined two or more atoms that come from the same or different elements are called molecules. Example: H2
      The secondary element is an element after which it can be refilled or rechargeable. One example of a secondary element is a rechargeable battery and battery

  4. Please explain about polyatomic ions ??

    1. Polyatomic ions are an ion consisting of one molecule with covalent bonded atoms or from a metal complex which can be considered to act as a single unit in the chemical context of the acid base or in the formation of a salt

  5. can you give me example of polyatomic ions?

    1. Examples of polyatomic ions:
      NaOH from Na + and OH_ the name of the compound Sodium hydroxide;
      • KMnO4 from K + and MnO4_ the name of the potassium potassium permanganate;
      • PbSO4 from Pb2 + and SO42_ the name of the Lead compound (II) sulfate.

  6. what is meant by a mixture?
    specify the types of mix?

    1. The mixture is the incorporation of two or more substances without causing a chemical change.
      Mixed types:
      1. Solution

      The solution is a homogeneous mixture, each solution comprising a solvent disbut with solvent and solute called spiritussolute.
      2. Suspension

      The suspension is a coarse mixture, the particle size is greater than 100 nm. It generally looks turbid and is a multi-phase system.
      3. Colloid

      The colloidal mixture lies between the solution and the suspension, since the particle size ranges from 1-100 nm.

  7. Why does not hydrogen have neutrons?

    1. Hydrogen has no neutrons because its core condition is stable. Hydrogen has an atomic number of 1, meaning it has only 1 proton, therefore it is stable. If there are 2 protons, then each will resist due to the same type of charge, therefore neutrons are required as a nuclear bonding force to balance. Which neutron is not needed on hydrogen which only has 1 proton.

  8. A substance is analysed in a laboratory, and when viewed under an electron microscope, it is revealed that it contains only one kind of atom. Is the substance an element, compound or mixture?

    1. A substance is something that has mass and occupies space. Based on its form, the substance is divided into 3 types, namely solid, liquid, and gas. A substance because it has the mass and occupy space, meaning that the substance also has a density, ie the mass per volume of a substance. So the substances enter in the elemental group.

  9. can you give some explanation about H2So4,is H2So4 is the compound or molecules?

    1. Sulfuric acid has the chemical formula H2SO4, is a strong mineral acid (inorganic). This substance dissolves in water in all comparisons
