Senin, 24 April 2017

definisi cause and effect

Definition of cause and effect
Cause and effect text is a type of paragraph that contains writer's analyzes of cause and effect. This paragraph begins with the causes described at the beginning of the sentence and then drawn into a general conclusion that is the result of the causes - the causes that have been described.
This cause and effect paragraph model is often used in essay writing and text explanation. This is because this model is considered to have a clear and structured flow of ideas that allows readers to understand when reading them.

Generic Structure
The cause and effect paragraph has the following structure or generic structure:
1. Have a main idea on the topic of sentence that will be discussed in the whole paragraph.
2. Having supporting details or supporting sentences in the form of causes.
3. Ends with concluding sentence or inferred conclusion.

Language Form
The cause and effect paragraph has the following language styles.
1. Using tenses that are bound to the context of time in a sentence, in other words, can be past tense, present tense, or future tense.
2. Many use verbs or verbs in active and passive sentences.
3. Using transitions such as, due to, because, consequently, as a result, and causes.
4. Using third person point of view.


Acid rain is a natural event that is so worrying for mankind. How come? The impact of acid rain can damage infrastructure and infrastructure on earth. Not only that, acid rain can also threaten human life on this earth. And this paper will contain a brief explanation of the understanding, causes and impacts of acid rain.

Understanding Acid Rain

The largest online Wikipedia site suggests acid rain as a whole kind of rain that has a pH level below 5.6. Naturally acid rain has an acidity level (pH) slightly below 6 because carbon dioxide gas reacts with water vapor in the air and forms acid rain. This kind of rain is very good to help dissolve minerals.

The definition of acid rain is now widespread because it involves sulfur gas (sulfur) and nitrogen in the air that react with oxygen that forms sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide. The substances then react again with water vapor and form sulfuric acid and nitric acid which eventually condenses to form clouds that make it acid rain.

The Cause of Acid Rain
The occurrence of acid rain is certainly not without cause, there is a certain cause behind it. As mentioned earlier, the greatest causes of acid rain are from natural disasters (volcanic eruptions) and human handicrafts (motor vehicle fumes and industries). Therefore, it is necessary for the active role of all parties so that the danger of acid rain can be overcome, for example, people use tools (machine or environmentally friendly vehicles), the government socializes the movement for love of the environment, and so on.

Due to Acid Rain
Acid rain has a negative effect on the environment and human life. Therefore we must immediately play an active role in tackling the occurrence of prolonged acid rain. And here's some of the effects of acid rain:
• Acid rain affects human health, can heat heat.
• Acid rain can damage and interfere with plant growth.
• Acid rain can damage existing buildings on the ground (rusted).
• Acid rain can kill a wide variety of aquatic organisms.
• Acid rain can increase the concentration of metals in water.



10 komentar:

  1. Hiii wahyuuu...
    I want to ask you about what is the impact from acid rain for our body.

    1. The impact is:
      1. Irritation of the throat, nose, and eyes.
      2. Cough.
      3. Shortness of breath.
      4. Increase the risk of heart attack.
      5. The immune system, nerves, reproduction, and breathing will be damaged
      6. Cancer.
      7. Died.

  2. What is the content in acid rain?

    1. Acid rain occurs when the content of sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NO) in the air is very high.

  3. I live in industrial area. Does acid rain that often occur in my area will bring adverse effects to my health? What are the effects and how to prevent bad things from happening to my body?

    1. Impact: The occurrence of acid rain should be cautioned because the impacts are global and can disrupt the balance of the ecosystem. Acid rain has an impact not only on the biotic environment, but also in the abiotic environment.
      Preventing the formation of acid rain include: a. Using fuel with low sulfur content Petroleum and coal are the main fuel sources in Indonesia. Petroleum has a high sulfur content, to reduce the emission of acid-forming agents can be used natural gas as a fuel source. Another effort is to use non-sulfur fuel such as methanol, ethanol, and hydrogen. However, the use of non-sulfur fuel is also worth noting because it will also have an impact on the environment. B. Desulfurization is the process of removing sulfuric elements. Desulfurization can be done at the time: 1.) Before burning Sulfur content can be reduced during fuel production process. For example, coal can be washed to clean coal from sand, soil, and other dirt and reduce sulfur content in the form of pyrite to 50-90%. 2.) During combustion Pollution control during combustion can be done with Lime Injection in Multiple Burners (LIMB). This is done by injecting Ca (OH) 2 lime in the combustion chamber and the combustion temperature is lowered by a special combustion device. This LIMB technology can reduce SO2 emissions by 80% and 50% NOx. 3.) After combustion The control technique after combustion is called scubbing. The principle of this technology is to bind SO2 in the waste gas in the smokestack with absorbent. In this way 70-95% SO2 formed can be tied.

  4. What is the impact of acid rain for the soil?

    1. The impact of acid rain on soils of acid rain for soil is to reduce soil fertility, where soils contain abundant amounts of metals and minerals. When these metals come into contact with acid rain, dangerous chemical reactions can occur. These chemical reactions can cause soil erosion. Acid rain is also known to reduce soil fertility, causing the soil to become barren. Harmful acids can also reduce the number of microorganisms that live on the ground, microorganisms in the soil are important for decomposing plants and other dead and decaying creatures.

  5. Specify the damage that can be caused by acid rain?

    1. The damage occurring is caused by natural disasters such as volcanoes and forest fires, the deforestation is deforested and the animals have no shelter.
